Saturday, December 28, 2019
Believability in The Scarlet Letter Essay - 807 Words
In the novel The Scarlet Letter many people argue the believability of the books characters . There happen to be several parts of the story that are highly believable. But on the other hand there are many parts of the story that are so highly improbable that it is unlikely that such occurrences could happen in that day and age. For the suggested time period some of the personality traits are doubtful. But to a certain perceptive the book seems to have a mixture of likeliness. Hester Prynne is one of the believable characters. It seems that Hester, like many women will wear there nicest clothing, â€Å"on the breast of her gown†¦an embrace embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread appeared the letter A†¦a splendor of occurrences with†¦show more content†¦Pearl takes the cake of believability just as any child they can be a bit pushy buy constantly asking questions. Pearl continues to ask a question â€Å"and the first indication of the child gave of bei ng awake was by popping up her head from the pillow, and making that other inquiry.†until she in answered. And just as stated before Hester refused to tell her so the child continued to ask. Another believable trait is her features. It is interiorly believable that pearl looks like both parents. The book states â€Å"†¦that my own features were partially repeated in her face.†by her father making it sound unlikely to him. Unfortunately the most believable part about pearl happens to be her personality. From the textual evidence she was, â€Å"†¦an imp of evil, emblem and product of sin.†making her seem like a normal child seeking attention. Pearl didn’t have friends or a father and might have sought attention in the wrong ways. Now there are not only believable characters but there are also a few characters that do not have any place near the word believable. Reverend Dimesdale is so unbelievable it is almost painful. The reverend committ ed sin and punished himself for it, â€Å"†¦gazing at the scarlet token on his naked breast.†this was made for match that of Hester’s. its not understandable how he was so eat up about this that he physically punished himself instead of easing his heart of pain and telling the town. The second reason is his continuous
Friday, December 20, 2019
An Analysis Of Shirley Jackson s They Lottery
For as long as I can remember, I have valued the importance of tradition and simplicity. Instead of playing computer games with my siblings, I remember begging to play a simple game of tag or throw a ball back and forth. Although my siblings tease me to this day about my desire to play such elementary games, I pride myself on my values of customs and simplicity. Elements of my most valued memories include my family coming together to engage in what we could all involve ourselves in and enjoy. The few times we took a break from our personal issues was to come together to share or forget them. These sessions usually took place around our wooden dinner table and now that I am starting a life of my own, I imagine the one empty chair at the table. The once lively â€Å"New family dinners†are reduced to only four members and as uncomfortable as I am with it, I am aware that our entire family’s dynamic is changing. Like the story, â€Å"They Lottery†by Shirley Jackson , the absence of tradition can make some uneasy. The story reflects conformity by the villagers with a bizarre ritual that suggests how dangerous tradition can be when people follow it blindly. Every June 27th, the villagers of a quaint town believe the prize of winning an annual lottery is sacrificing one of their own to ensure a good harvest. They are so blasà © about the event they agree to â€Å"get it over with†so they â€Å"can go back to work†(Jackson 92). The villagers follow this tradition each year with a hint ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery Essay878 Words  | 4 PagesMichael Espinoza English 1302-5003 Professor Johnson June 22, 2015 Research-Based Argument Essay Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery†Born on December 14, 1916, in San Francisco, California, Shirley Jackson was an American author whose novels and short stories are still relevant today. Jackson grew up in California and moved East with her family when she was 17 years old. She began her college career at the University of Rochester, withdrew for one year to practice her writing skills at homeRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery 1883 Words  | 8 Pagescheer by following the festivities of tradition. Whether it is decorating a tree, lighting up the menorah or preparing for the karamu feast, these events serve as a celebration for the end of the year and preserve their culture. In Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery†, the villagers from an unknown town perform an action to preserve their culture. This small, homely and rural area believe that if they commit a certain deed annually, good crops will be bestowed upon them. The event happens onRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirl ey Jackson s The Lottery 894 Words  | 4 Pagesinto something magnificent is what author Shirley Jackson achieved with her short story â€Å"The Lottery†. The short story is a brilliant view on tradition. What is normally thought to be a game of joy and winnings is turned into a horrifying ritual that has been blindly executed throughout the years with little reasoning behind it. Though multiple themes tend to arise in stories such as this, the theme â€Å"Fear of change†is the most obvious idea that Jackson seemed to want to get across to the audienceRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery 880 Words  | 4 PagesShirley Jackson uses irony as a theme to create this almost perfect story where there is an unexpected twist. Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery†is sickening, horrific and intense. This shocking story is about a small town that has all the members’ participate in an annual lottery. Unlike all normal lotteries the winner receives death by stoning rather than a cash prize, as the story advance Tessie places her children in danger to have a better chance at survival. This lottery seems to have no limitRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery Essay1463 Words  | 6 Pages Shirley Jackson is able to convey a deeper understanding of sexism, misogyny, patriarchy, and various gender roles implied by society through the illustration of a corrupt tradition. By breaking down these core concepts in a way which the reader can better comprehend, both Gayle Whittier and Fritz Oehlschlaeger are able to emphasize misogyny and the unfair treatment of women within the short story â€Å"The Lottery.†The patriarchal society is pronounced in the very first few paragraphs of the taleRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery, And Kurt Vonnegut Jr. s Harrison Bergeron1604 Words  | 7 PagesA common theme of placing societal influences over personal values and beliefs can be found in Shirley Jackson’s, â€Å"The Lottery†, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†. These short stories describe situations in which the citizens allow the superiors to have full control, without thinking twice about the laws and traditions that require their submission. Both of these short stories are similar in theme, because each tells about a community that chooses to participate in cruel and inhumane traditionsRead MoreAn Unkindness of Tradition: Shirley Jackson ´s Biography1624 Words  | 7 Pagesmorbid and daunting way of writing. A common form is that of suspense and mystery. Shirley Jackson takes mystery to a distinctive level. She depicts an era that has not yet been revealed. By looking at the background of this author, analyzing her writing and responding personally you will better enhance your learning experience and connection with this type of dark literature. Author Biography Shirley Jackson was an extremely well liked American author during the 1900s. However, in recent yearsRead MoreSymbolism in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson Essay example1173 Words  | 5 PagesWhen most people play the lottery today, they think about having wealth. Generally, people who win are happy about it whether they win one dollar or a million. The lottery in our society has grown to support education and it is often worth several million dollars. Usually, the winner of the lottery gains a lot of recognition for the money they win. But what would happen if there was a small town where people held a yearly lottery in which the â€Å"winner†was the member of the town who was not sacrificedRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson1438 Words  | 6 PagesWriter Shirley Jackson was born in 1916 in San Francisco, California. Among her early works was The Lottery.Do not be fooled by this name.The Lottery was the highly controversial and famous tale about a village that partakes in an annual death ritual. On June 26, 1948, subscribers to The New Yorker received a new issue of the magazine in the mail. There was nothing to outwardly indicate that it would be any different, or any more special, than any other issue. But inside was a story that editorsRead MoreFiction Essay - Young Goodman Brown and the Lottery1051 Words  | 5 PagesFICTION ESSAY WRITING STYLE USED: APA OUTLINE I. THESIS: A thorough analysis of Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery†and Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†reveals that different literary elements, such as tone and setting, are used to convey the characters’ arrival at dark, sinister places. II. INTRODUCTION III. SHIRLEY JACKSON’S â€Å"THE LOTTERY†A. Setting the tone: Peaceful and relaxing B. Irony: Even though the mood is relaxing, there is a premonition of something bad to
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Sickle Cell Disease free essay sample
Sickle cell disease is more prevalent in people whose ancestors resided in tropical or sub-tropical climates, for the reason that having one recessive sickle cell gene causes resistance to malaria, which is a common disease in those areas. Thus, those of African-American or Hispanic descent have a higher likelihood of having the disease. Today, nearly 72,000 Americans have sickle cell disease, with 1-in-2,000 newborns having the disease. Symptoms The misshapen blood cells that are formed as a result of sickle cell disease can cause multiple problems and patients show many symptoms as a result. The majority of the symptoms are caused by the blockages that can form in the blood vessels of the patients. Due to the irregular shape of the red blood cells, they cannot easily flow through the blood vessels in a linear formation like regular red blood cells, but instead they can clump together and form clots, constricting blood flow and oxygen supply. Symptoms of sickle cell disease include: irregular blood pressure, jaundice skin or eyes, pale skin, bone or joint pain, delayed growth, skin ulcers (common on the legs), anemia, constant headaches, dizziness, fatigue, organ or tissue damage, pulmonary hypertension, shortness of breath, numbness in the extremities, and stroke. Sickle cell disease is known to be extremely painful in many instances due to the damage of the blood vessels and organs in a patient’s body. Complications Sickle cell disease is extremely detrimental to one’s body, and due to the complications involved with the disease, it can become deadly. Many suffering from sickle cell disease are susceptible to strokes caused by arterial blockages near the brain, this is one of the deadlier complications involved with the disease. Patients can also develop acute chest syndrome (ACS) from blockages in the lungs. From the high blood pressure caused by the arterial blockages in the lungs, patients are commonly known to develop Pulmonary Hypertension as well. Due to blood clots and lack of oxygen, organs in patients with sickle cell disease commonly receive damage, which can cause these organs to malfunction. This can become especially life threatening when it occurs in the body’s vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, or brain. Blindness can also occur in those with sickle cell disease due to decreased blood flow to the eyes. Skin ulcers are common in patients with the disease. This is especially dangerous because ulcers are open wounds that cause the body to become extremely susceptible to infection and disease. Priapism can become prevalent in males with sickle cell anemia, due to the decreased amount of blood flow from the scrotum area that clots can cause. Treatment The standard of treatment with sickle cell disease has increased exponentially in the last few decades due to the latest medical advances. Yet, sadly, the goal of sickle cell disease treatment is to treat the symptoms so that they become less prevalent, because no cure for the disease has been developed. Although, hematologists are conducting promising research involving the disease. For example, bone marrow transplants are becoming increasingly effective in treating patients with sickle cell disease, with the success rate of transplants steadily climbing. Blood transfusions are becoming a biweekly occurrence for those suffering from the disease in an attempt to increase the level of normal red blood cells in a patient’s blood stream, preventing the worsening of said patient’s anemia. Common medications used to treat the symptoms of sickle cell anemia include: antibiotics (for treating infection), NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, for pain), opioids (for pain), and hydroxyurea (for pain). Nitric oxide has begun to show promise as a treatment for blood clots in the eyes of many hematologists. Nitric oxide has been shown to temporarily expand blood vessels, acting as an anticlotting agent, potentially preventing the major symptoms caused by sickle cell disease, but the administering of nitric oxide is still relatively new. Gene therapy research is accepted as an eventual cure for sickle cell disease and many inherited diseases, yet we currently lack the technology to manipulate genes in the specific manner desired. Prognosis Currently the average life expectancy for people with sickle cell disease is much higher than in the past, with many patients living well into their 50’s and older. Statistically, females with sickle cell disease live longer than their male counterparts. Sickle cell patients will inevitably experience pain as a result of the disease, and most suffer from small blockages in the arteries that are known to cause strokes and various other symptoms that are previously mentioned. Acute chest syndrome is also common in those with sickle cell disease. Ultimately, Sickle cell disease is harsh and constant, but the number of treatments and their levels of success are ever increasing. Sources Used United States. Department of Health and Human Services. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH). NHLBI, NIH. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 28 Sept. 2012. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. Sickle Cell Information Center. Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Information Center.  Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Information Center. Sickle Cell Information Center, 28 Apr. 2010. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. Staff, Mayo Clinic. Definition.  Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 26 Mar. 2011. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. Bownas, Jennifer. Sickle Cell Anemia Disease Profile.  Sickle Cell Anemia Disease Profile. Ornl. gov, 5 May 2005. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Hypothesis Testing and Changepoint Detection †
Question: Discuss about the Hypothesis Testing and Changepoint Detection. Answer: Introduction: Cryptography is a process using which information can be converted into a format that cannot be read normally. The purpose of cryptography is to conceal any secret message from any unwanted viewer and only the intended recipient will be provided with the method to convert it to readable text (Stallings Tahiliani, 2014).A data that can be read and understood without the involvement of any special technique is known as plaintext. The method of masking a plaintext with the intention to hide its contents is called encryption.Encryption of a plaintext results in an unreadable format known as ciphertext.Symmetric key encryption is a type of cryptography method that involves the sharing of a secret key to encrypt and decrypt the data (Agrawal Mishra, 2012). Symmetric encryption algorithms have high efficiency in processing large amounts of information and computationally less intensive compared to the process of asymmetric encryption algorithm.Stream ciphers and block ciphers are the two types of symmetric key encryption algorithm that provides bit-by-bit and block encryption respectively. Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) management and BLOWFISH are examples of various symmetric key algorithms (Surya Diviya, 2012). Public Key Encryption also known as Asymmetric Encryption is a type of Cryptography that employs two keys for the process of encrypting and decrypting a data.One key is used for the encryption of a data; however, it cannot be used for decrypting the encrypted data. Similarly, another key is used for decrypting the data, which cannot be used for encrypting the same (Wee, 2012). The two keys are public key and private key. Public key is used for encrypting the data and is in possession of both the sender and the recipient while the private key is possessed only by the receiver of the message. To decrypt an encrypted message the recipient will require using both the public and private key.The public key is open to all however, it alone cannot be used to decrypt the coded message (Hofheinz Jager, 2012). Therefore, the encryption is secure. Both the public and private keys are based on very lengthy prime numbers. There is almost infinite amount of prime numbers available, which creates a n infinite amount of possibility for creating such keys. This enhances the security of the system extremely.An example can be cited in support of the topic mentioned above. Suppose a person A sends an encrypted data to person B. A encrypts the data with a public key and sends the data to B with the key (Hsu, Yang Hwang, 2013). B already has the private key to decode the data in possession and after receiving the package decodes the data using both the public and private key. Any intermediate viewer can see the package however; will be unable to decode the data, as they do not possess both the public as well as the private key (Jeeva, Palanisamy Kanagaram, 2012). The term hashing typically means the process of reducing any object from its original dimension. In technological perspective, hashing signifies the conversion of a string characters into a smaller value or key of fixed length that represents the original string.The purpose of hashing is to summarise and retrieve items in a database, as it is a quicker process to locate the object using the shorter key than to find it using the original value. Hashing finds its utility in many encryption algorithms as well (Park et al., 2012). All the techniques mentioned above are encryption techniques that are used for maintaining confidentiality and authentication. However, the public key encryption method is best suited to maintain confidentiality and authentication as it has two encryption keys involved in the process of encryption and decryption that uses a long set of prime numbers. This method increases the complexity level of encryption thereby enhancing the security of the confidential data. Denial-of-Service or DoS is a form of cyberattack that is carried out on any personal or organisational network management. The purpose of this type of attack generally is not to expose or retrieve any type of confidential information from the network; rather it is used to cause a great deal of issue for the users in a network. A DoS attack uses the technique of flooding a network with requests that increases the traffic of the network. This results in slow network connection and websites failing to load properly (Gunasekhar et al., 2014). In an organisation, a DoS attack can clod the network because of which, the employees in the organisation will be unable to access any web services to perform organisational operation. The DoS is effective in rendering the services of an organisation offline that can cause loss in business and negative publicity of the same. A DoS attack is almost impossible to stop occurring in an organisation, especially the advanced DDoS (Distributed Denial of S ervice) attack that is botnet-driven. It is almost impossible to identify an infected request from a legitimate request as these requests often use the same protocols or ports and may have resemblance to a legitimate request in respect to its content.However, some precautions can be taken to prevent DoS attacks in an organisation (Durcekova, Schwartz Shahmehri, 2012). The organisation can purchase a lot of bandwidth. It is an expensive process though but is the simplest process as well. Implementing a lot of bandwidth, the organisation will create a situation where the attacker will face difficulties in carrying out a successful DoS attack. This is because the more bandwidth a network has the more the attacker must clog by flooding with requests (Malekzadeh, Ghani Subramaniam, 2012). Another method of precaution is using DoS attack identification and detection techniques like wavelet-based signal analysis, activity profiling and change-point detection that will help to recognise a malicious traffic from a legitimate one. In such process, the first task is to determine the accurate moment of the attack. This is possible by using activity-profiling technique that helps to calculate the average rate of traffic and marks significant increase in the traffic rate.An organization that can detect a DoS attack can also determine the type of DoS attack that is going to be carried out on the organization (Fachkha et al., 2012). Another robust mechanism for the detection of a DoS attack is Change-Point Detection or Change-Point Monitoring (CPM) system.A CPM uses the inbuilt protocol behaviours for detecting a DoS attack. CPM is not dependent on traffic flow rates or specific applications as the protocol behaviours are identified exclusively by the specifications of the proto col and the service models of Internet applications (Tartakovsky, Polunchenko Sokolov, 2013). CPM is not sensitive to traffic patterns and sites as it relies on the non-parametric CUSUM method, thus resulting in a robust CPM, making it much more generally applicable and an easier deployment.CPM plays a dual role in detection of DoS attacks, the first mile CPM and the last mile CPM. As the first mile CPM has proximity to the sources of flooding, it alarms about the ongoing DoS attack and helps to reveal the source from which the flooding is being originated. The simplicity of CPM is due to its low computation overhead and statelessness (Tartakovsky, Nikiforov Basseville, 2014). The last and the most obvious method of precaution from DoS attacks is implementing strong and sophisticated firewall in the network along with other Network Security Software that may be able to detect or warn before the occurrence of a DoS attack in the organisation (Raiyn, 2014). Some rules are required to be followed while working in secure areas as the protection and privacy of the area should be of the utmost priority. The following is a list of some rules that is necessary to be followed: The organisation shall manage the activities of every individual who enter an important area such as computer rooms, control centres, data storage rooms and important server locations (Peltier, 2016). The organisation must prohibit access of any media that uses an external interface connection within a secret area without a prior legitimate approval provided by the accreditation authority (Peltier, 2016). The organisation should prohibit the access of any media that uses an external interface connection in a top-secret area without in possession of a written authorisation from the accreditation authority (Peltier, 2016). The areas that have special sensitive sectors should be designated with proper symbols and have tight security deployed in all entry and exit points that leads to the secure area (Peltier, 2016). The behaviour of the personnel on premises of restricted areas should be governed by formal policies or guidelines that should include prohibition of eating, drinking and smoking; rules regarding usage of devices that generate radio frequency such as cell phones near sensitive equipment and when can storage devices be used (Peltier, 2016). Methodologies regarding working in secure areas shall be properly designed and applied (Peltier, 2016). Secure working areas must have physical protection. Possible measures include facilitating the personnel with the knowledge of the operations inside a secure facility on a need-to-know basis; the operations in secure sectors should be supervised and vacant secure areas should be locked as well as checked periodically (Peltier, 2016). Only those personnel who have legitimate authorisation should be permitted access to places that stores sensitive information such as a computer room or a data storage room (Peltier, 2016). The computerised operations should be kept by the organisation in a secure area with access restriction. Unauthorised personnel must be denied access by the organisation with the use of restricted areas, security rooms and locked doors (Peltier, 2016). Restricted areas may be created for the protection of sensitive and confidential information in open areas during working shifts. The restricted areas must be clearly marked and any unauthorised access to these locations must be promptly challenged by the personnel who are working in the restricted area (Peltier, 2016). The organisation must limit controlled area access to only authorised personnel during criminal justice information processing times (Peltier, 2016). The organisations personnel policies should be obtained and reviewed to analyse and assess the methods and controls over recruiting new employees (Peltier, 2016). A procedure must be implemented that specifies about who can authorise personnel work in locations where ePHI might be accessed (Peltier, 2016). The trash bins that are used in an organisation can transform to a valuable information centre for industrial spies seeking company secrets to utilise them for benefits. Industrial competitors are always on the look-out for sensitive information of their rivals, which may drop in their lap in the form of a crumpled paper thrown away carelessly by an employee of the rival company into a trash bin that is rummaged and retrieved by an industrial spy in disguise of a sweeper (Benny, 2013). There are many instances of such incidents where an employee of an organisation threw away a paper containing sensitive company data carelessly into the wastebasket of the office that caused heavy loss to the company. Due to recent security conditions, every organisation is spending a fortune in cranking up the security measures. However, all the efforts are going to trash due to such insensitive acts. There is however, some procedure that can protect a trash bin of one company from becoming the winnin g trophy of its rival (Bhatti Alymenko, 2017). Paper Shredders are machines that can be used to destroy company documents completely that are not needed by the company instead of discarding them to the bin.This is a very effective process that will protect a company from losing any of its documents to the world even if it is not required by the company. There are some organisations like the Data Destruction Services Inc. in Boston run by Dick Hannon, who takes orders from organisations who wishes to destroy some of their documents and deploy vans equipped with paper shredder machines at their location to destroy the documents management (Bhatti Alymenko, 2017). To reduce the risk of desktop PC theft, individual desktop PCs in organisations can be securely locked onto their desktops with a cable, if there is something on the desk to wrap the cable around. In addition, each PC should have a login screen that requires a complex passcode and a screensaver so that an intruder can be restricted from unauthorised access and use to the system (Bhatti Alymenko, 2017). Intrusion Detection System of a firewall uses two types of filtering namely Deep Packet Inspection and Packet Stream Analysis. Deep Packet Inspection abbreviated as DPI is a method of packet filtering whose zone of operation is in the application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. DPI makes it possible to locate, recognise, differentiate, reroute or block packets with particular code or data that typical packet filtering tools fail to identify as they are tasked to examine only packet headers. Communication Service providers use DPI to allocate the resources that are available to them to achieve a streamlined flow of traffic (Antonello et al., 2012). An example can be cited in support of the topic discussed above. A message is tagged as high priority that can be routed to its destination before the pending less important or low priority data packets that are involved in ordinary internet browsing. DPI can be utilised further for speeding up transfer of data to avoid P2P abuse, enhancing the experience of most subscribers by improving the performance of the network. Many security implications are there of using DPI as the technology enables to recognise the original source as well as the recipient of content that contains specific packets (Antonello et al., 2012). A packet stream are basically fragmented parts of a message or data that is broken down into small bits, each of which contains part of the complete information that is present in the whole packet. The packet is broken down in such a way that at the receiving end it can be reassembled to its original form and the information within the packet is not damaged (Sanders, 2017). The process of analysing a packet stream within a network for possible malicious contents or detection of intrusion is called packet stream analysis. It is a basic method of monitoring a network. Many network packet analyser-tools are there that monitor all the incoming and outgoing packets in a network link and capture these packets to inspect for any malicious traffic. These tools also provide reconstruction of session that helps to understand the exact problem of the network. Apart from the packet header, most of the network data is binary trash. A large amount of processing power is required to extract the true meaningful information out of a network session. It multiplies to an exponential rate if the data is encrypted. More analysis requires implementation of hardware, which in turn requires higher expense of cost. That is why a true network analysis is processing intensive and tough on the analyst (Sanders, 2017). References Agrawal, M., Mishra, P. (2012). A comparative survey on symmetric key encryption techniques. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 4(5), 877. Antonello, R., Fernandes, S., Kamienski, C., Sadok, D., Kelner, J., GDor, I., ... Westholm, T. (2012). Deep packet inspection tools and techniques in commodity platforms: Challenges and trends. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(6), 1863-1878. Benny, D. J. (2013). Industrial espionage: Developing a counterespionage program. Crc Press. Bhatti, H. J., Alymenko, A. (2017). A Literature Review: Industrial Espionage. Durcekova, V., Schwartz, L., Shahmehri, N. (2012, May). Sophisticated denial of service attacks aimed at application layer. In ELEKTRO, 2012 (pp. 55-60). IEEE. Fachkha, C., Bou-Harb, E., Boukhtouta, A., Dinh, S., Iqbal, F., Debbabi, M. (2012, October). Investigating the dark cyberspace: Profiling, threat-based analysis and correlation. In Risk and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), 2012 7th International Conference on (pp. 1-8). IEEE. Gunasekhar, T., Rao, K. T., Saikiran, P., Lakshmi, P. S. (2014). A survey on denial of service attacks. Hofheinz, D., Jager, T. (2012, August). Tightly Secure Signatures and Public-Key Encryption. In Crypto (Vol. 7417, pp. 590-607). Hsu, S. T., Yang, C. C., Hwang, M. S. (2013). A Study of Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search. IJ Network Security, 15(2), 71-79. Jeeva, A. L., Palanisamy, D. V., Kanagaram, K. (2012). Comparative analysis of performance efficiency and security measures of some encryption algorithms. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 2(3), 3033-3037. Malekzadeh, M., Ghani, A. A. A., Subramaniam, S. (2012). A new security model to prevent denial?of?service attacks and violation of availability in wireless networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(7), 903-925. Park, P., Yoo, S., Choi, S. I., Park, J., Ryu, H. Y., Ryou, J. (2012). A Pseudo State-Based Distributed DoS Detection Mechanism Using Dynamic Hashing. In Computer Applications for Security, Control and System Engineering (pp. 22-29). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Peltier, T. R. (2016). Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for effective information security management. CRC Press. Raiyn, J. (2014). A survey of cyber attack detection strategies. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 8(1), 247-256. Sanders, C. (2017). Practical packet analysis: Using Wireshark to solve real-world network problems. No Starch Press. Stallings, W., Tahiliani, M. P. (2014). Cryptography and network security: principles and practice (Vol. 6). London: Pearson. Surya, E., Diviya, C. (2012). A Survey on Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms. International Journal of Computer Science Communication Networks, 2(4), 475-477. Tartakovsky, A. G., Polunchenko, A. S., Sokolov, G. (2013). Efficient computer network anomaly detection by changepoint detection methods. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 7(1), 4-11. Tartakovsky, A., Nikiforov, I., Basseville, M. (2014). Sequential analysis: Hypothesis testing and changepoint detection. CRC Press. Wee, H. (2012, May). Public Key Encryption against Related Key Attacks. In Public Key Cryptography (Vol. 7293, pp. 262-279).
Thursday, November 28, 2019
10,000 Soldiers Die in Tyrol From Avalanches During World War I
10,000 Soldiers Die in Tyrol From Avalanches During World War I During World War I, a battle waged between Austro-Hungarian and Italian soldiers amidst the cold, snowy, mountainous region of South Tyrol. While freezing cold and enemy fire were obviously dangerous, even more deadly were the heavily snow-padded peaks that surrounded the troops. Avalanches brought tons of snow and rock down these mountains, killing at an estimated 10,000 Austro-Hungarian and Italian soldiers in December 1916. Italy Enters World War I When World War I began after the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914, countries across Europe stood by their allegiances and declared war to support their own allies. Italy, on the other hand, did not. According to the Triple Alliance, first formed in 1882, Italy, Germany, and Austro-Hungary were allies. However, the terms of the Triple Alliance were specific enough to allow Italy, who had neither a strong military nor a powerful navy, to shirk their alliance by finding a way to remain neutral at the beginning of World War I. As the fighting continued into 1915, the Allied Forces (specifically Russia and Great Britain) began to woo the Italians into joining their side in the war. The lure for Italy was the promise of Austro-Hungarian lands, specifically a contested, Italian-speaking area in Tyrol, located in south-western Austro-Hungary. After more than two months of negotiations, the Allied promises were finally enough to bring Italy into World War I. Italy declared war on Austro-Hungary.on May 23, 1915. Getting the Higher Position With this new declaration of war, Italy sent troops north to attack Austro-Hungary, while Austro- Hungary sent troops to the southwest to defend itself. The border between these two countries was located in the mountain ranges of the Alps, where these soldiers fought for the next two years. In all military struggles, the side with the higher ground has the advantage. Knowing this, each side tried to climb higher into the mountains. Dragging heavy equipment and weaponry with them, soldiers climbed as high as they could and then dug in. Tunnels and trenches were dug and blasted into the mountainsides, while barracks and forts were built to help protect the soldiers from the freezing cold. Deadly Avalanches While contact with the enemy was obviously dangerous, so were the frigid living conditions. The area, regularly icy, was particularly so from the unusually heavy snowstorms of the 1915-1916 winter, which left some areas covered in 40 feet of snow. In December 1916, the explosions from tunnel-building and from fighting took its toll for the snow began to fall off the mountains in avalanches. On December 13, 1916, a particularly powerful avalanche brought an estimated 200,000 tons of ice and rock on top of an Austrian barracks near Mount Marmolada. While 200 soldiers were able to be rescued, another 300 were killed. In the following days, more avalanches fell on troops both Austrian and Italian. The avalanches were so severe that an estimated 10,000 troops were killed by avalanche during December 1916. After the War These 10,000 deaths by avalanche did not end the war. Fighting continued into 1918, with a total of 12 battles fought in this frozen battlefield, most near the Isonzo River. When the war did end, the remaining, cold troops left the mountains for their homes, leaving much of their equipment behind.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Book Comparison-Ultra-Marine and My Papas Waltz
Book Comparison-Ultra-Marine and My Papas Waltz Similar Themes, Different StylesIn Raymond Carver's "Ultra-Marine", the reader witnesses his despair and depression on his outlook of life. He is lonely and somewhat angry about the things happening in his life. He sees no hope for the future and all his memories are that of sadness, pain and unrealized dreams. Carver's use of metaphors conveys his outlook of life. In "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke, the poet is able to convey the idea of child abuse through the imagery that he uses in his poems. In his poem he portrays the relationship between the father and son. Although the father shows his love violently, the son is there when the father needs him. Even though Carver and Roethke have different styles, they are able to convey the same themes of loneliness, desperateness and anger."My Papa's Waltz" has different interpretations, though looking closely at each stanza one is able to see the parental abuse hidden under the poet's words.Raymond Carver
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Food Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Food Marketing - Essay Example An alternative geography begins to emerge because the restricted ecologies of quality food production are frequently to be found in areas that have escaped the industrialization processes that support globalization. This is most apparent in agriculture, where the maintained use of â€Å"output-enhancing†technologies in the post-war period has frequently resulted in uncovered agricultural ecosystems. Thus those areas that have largely remained insignificant to industrialized agriculture are generally the very areas where quality production might bloom. The turn toward quality in consumption may then reveal a very different mixture of productivity, one that contrasts in important respects with the dominant geographic distribution of food production activities. Consumers increasingly are linking ideas of food quality to ideas of nature in the agro-food system, as though they feel that the higher the natural content of food the less susceptible it will be to hurt human interferen ce. Yet, some leading commentators on the food sector have begun to argue that the theoretical analysis of food has tended to underplay the â€Å"salience of nature†. It is now widely believed that the agro-food system is globalize, and much of the recent research into the agro-food system has taken as its main focus how processes of globalization come to be driven by the reshaping of food production processes according to patterns of capital growth.
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