Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Nature of Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Nature of Conflict - Essay Example This causes the representatives to go into hitch with the administration or higher authorities. They may go on strikes or do different kinds of fights. Significant clashes happen when, for instance, representatives experience sexual orientation segregation, work over-burden, constrained extra time, short cutoff times, and no open doors for advancement, prize or remuneration. These components lessen professional stability and the representatives experience the ill effects of business related pressure. Other significant causes may incorporate dissatisfactory wages and pay rates, and poor correspondence between the administration and workers because of which the last feel that their issues are not being thought of. Likewise, when workers feel that they are not having the option to take an interest in the dynamic procedure, they may secure clashing perspectives about the current undertaking. These contentions may quit fooling around enough to require an intervention plan for goals. Regar dless of the contention is little or huge, the administration should put forth genuine attempts to determine it as quickly as time permits with the goal that representatives don't lose their assurance (Wilmot and Hocker, 2011). Arrangement or Mediation Negotiation is important to unravel clashes. Now and then, this exchange is done through intervention. We characterize intercession as a procedure in which an outsider mediation is looked for compromise between people or gatherings. The motivation behind exchange is to make conceivable the re-foundation of common resilience between the gatherings in question. In any case, exchange itself relies on the well disposed signs appeared by the rivals prompting neighborly re-association and helpful holding. Strasser and Randolph (2004, p.22) insist that go betweens ought to â€Å"accept struggle as an inevitable aspect of human presence, with the conceivable result of reconciliation.†Negotiators and go betweens ought to comprehend tha t contention can't be wiped out altogether. On the off chance that moderators begin feeling that they will have the option to destroy strife totally, at that point this discernment will be a hindrance to a viable usage of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process. It will likewise make the moderators intense and forceful toward goals. In this way, the moderators need to change their practices and mentalities with the goal that they can proficiently send peace promotion methods. Individual Experience This segment of the paper portrays my own case for instance of work environment strife and exchange process. I filled in as an internee in an organization in my city. As I expressed, most clashes happen because of uncalled for treatment or strategy changes from the administration side, this occurrence additionally includes a contention between the director and I. It was about the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). For reader’s data, the significant duty of the A mericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is to make facilities for impaired workers, under the title I of the Act. ADA ensures that the incapacitated representatives don't need to confront separation by their seniors or colleagues when they are at the working environment. So as to get assurance by ADA, the individual must have a handicap which is characterized by the Act as â€Å"a physical or mental disability that considerably restrains at least one significant life activities†(U.S. Division of Justice, 2005). All people who have in their clinical history that they have been or are experiencing such a handicap, or individuals see him as
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Are there any political implications for David Cameron, in regards to Essay
Are there any political ramifications for David Cameron, with respect to the present government assistance change strategy - Essay Example His commitments to the present government assistance approaches are obvious in the connecting of advantages to compensation, which have assisted with cutting swelling. David Cameron may have affected the government assistance change strategy when he actualized the twenty thousand dollars a year top to help in lodging benefits. Proposals made by Cameron concerning youngsters not being qualified for benefits until they pay their commitments, may have added to the present government assistance change approaches. In any case, there were a few people who were against the supposition (Blond, 2009). A portion of the reasons with regards to why this examination subject merits contemplating are clear from a portion of the cases that were made by Cameron concerning the government assistance change strategy. For instance, one of the cases by Cameron is clear from his explanations when he guaranteed that petitioners should attempt work as an end-result of the advantages they had gotten inside a half year of joblessness. In his endeavor to actualize the government assistance arrangement, Cameron likewise contended that people, who were on the disorder advantage, were assumed discover methods of improving their wellbeing to cut on the government’s consumption. Be that as it may, such recommendations lead to banters from general society. There are additionally proposals that were made by Cameron with respect to the government assistance change strategy that are thought to have had political ramifications. ... At the point when he proposed that lodging benefits be expelled for people younger than 25 years. He likewise recommended that the issue of local advantages be inspected to fit the typical cost for basic items. It is felt that a portion of these recommendations that were made by Cameron may have been a portrayal of his political move in the administration of the alliance. This is on the grounds that sources demonstrate that Cameron acknowledged that a portion of the proposition he made couldn't be conveyed working together with the liberal democrats. Cameron likewise expressed that a portion of the proposition that were made needed to sit tight for a moderate larger part of the administration until the year 2015. Cameron may have had political ramifications since he expressed that his aims were to set out the nation for the following political race (Daguerre, 2005). Research proposes that Cameron may have had political ramifications, as a result of responses that were gotten from dif ferent lawmakers like Danny Alexander. Who guaranteed that to guarantee the government assistance change arrangement is actualized, spotlight ought to be set on the presentation of all inclusive credit. This examination question merits considering in light of the fact that it is obvious that contentions have been emerging concerning the usage of the government assistance change approach. Cameron demands that different government officials ought not utilize empathy to gauge the size of the government assistance check. Youngsters matured 25 years additionally imagine that Cameron was against their advancement when he upheld for a stop in their lodging benefits. Different government officials additionally contended that executing the government assistance change approach by cutting the duty credits wasn't right (Davies, 2007). Scholarly research did on the subject uncovers that there were political ramifications of the government assistance change arrangement. This is on the grounds th at a portion of the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Compare and Contrast on Abortion Free Essays
ENGL 1005 Prof. Michel Schtakleff October 2, 2012 Three-fourth of a million adolescents somewhere in the range of 15 and 19 become pregnant every year (Get). How as an adolescent would you feel defying a parent in regards to anti-conception medication? Imagine a scenario in which you didn't have a parent to go gain birth power with. A few teenagers don't have a decent emotionally supportive network that would do that. We will compose a custom article test on Look into on Abortion or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Furthermore, numerous pregnant adolescents feel that premature birth is the main answer for their concern. With high schooler pregnancy being so conspicuous in today’s society and numerous youngsters searching out hazardous arrangements, for example, fetus removal, youthful juvenile young ladies ages fifteen and more established ought to have the option to get contraception from their primary care physician without parental assent. Around 820,000 high schooler pregnancies happen in the United States yearly. This implies thirty-four percent of youthful females will have in any event one pregnancy before arriving at the age of twenty. 80% of these adolescent pregnancies are unintended (Statistics). An explicitly dynamic young person not utilizing any prophylactic has a 90% possibility of getting pregnant inside a year (Get). These insights will possibly keep on rising if young people younger than eighteen can't get anti-conception medication without parental assent. Adolescent pregnancy is a cycle, â€Å"girls destined to teenager guardians are practically 33% bound to become high schooler guardians themselves, proceeding with the pattern of youngster pregnancy (Importance). †Considering these realities, it is apparent that it could all be forestalled just by permitting little youngsters to get a contraception medicine from their clinical specialist. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The youngsters destined to high schooler moms are at more serious danger of being a shown instance of kid misuse or disregard. Passage 2: Paragraph 3: - less premature birth - more youthful teen=abortion more probable - 1/3 of pregnant adolescents look for a fetus removal Works Cited â€Å"FSU Cente r for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy. †FSU Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. http://www. cpeip. fsu. edu/resourceFiles/resourceFile_78. pdf. . â€Å"Get the Facts. †Get the Facts. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Oct. 2012. http://www. advocatesforyouth. organization/press-room/get-the-realities. â€Å"Teen Pregnancy Statistics †Teen Pregnancy. †Teen Pregnancy Statistics †Teen Pregnancy. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. http://www. teenhelp. com/adolescent pregnancy/teenager pregnancy-measurements. html. â€Å"Teen Pregnancy: The Importance of Prevention. †Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Communities for Disease Control and Prevention, 05 Apr. 2011. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. http://www. cdc. gov/Features/VitalSigns/TeenPregnancy/. Instructions to refer to Compare and Contrast on Abortion, Papers
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay For Scholarship Application For Teaching - How to Write a Great Essay?
Essay For Scholarship Application For Teaching - How to Write a Great Essay?If you are looking for essay for scholarship application samples for teaching you should also know that if you are applying for a teaching position in a high school or college there are ways to avoid most of the problems you will find in many of the applications out there. It is really not so hard to come up with great writing.Most people, especially those who write essays for scholarship application for teaching, usually make the mistake of trying to be too direct. Of course the more direct they are the better because it will increase their chances of getting a good grade. It's just the nature of people.However, if you want to get a good grade on your essay for scholarship application for teaching then try to go in a different direction. One way you can do this is to use a journal or article as a supplement to your paper. It is much better than just writing a report and all you have to do is type it up.The m ajor problem with people who use a journal or article for an essay for a scholarship application for teaching is that they forget about the parts of the essay that are the most important. In other words they assume that all they have to do is to summarize their points and present them in a nice format for the teachers to read.However, it is true that most teachers have already got all the valuable information they need to make a good decision about you. So, what they are looking for is a balanced report. As such, if you use a journal or article for an essay for a scholarship application for teaching then it would be best if you make sure you add in some extra information that the teacher could use in making their decision.The key to doing this well is to keep your essay simple but not too easy. But that is a topic for another article.You can easily come up with a great essay for scholarship application for teaching by using one of the sample essays for this purpose available online. And in fact, this is one of the reasons why people who write essays for scholarship application for teaching tend to end up giving up too early. In case you have never used these before, don't worry, there are many good ones available that will suit you just fine.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Presentation of Business Pioneer (case study Bill Gates)
Presentation of Business Pioneer (case study Bill Gates) Bill Gates: A Business Pioneer Bill Gates is arguably the most admired entrepreneur and business pioneer in the 20th and 21st centuries, given his self-developed wealth, which has surprised the world. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft Corporation, a company that specializes in computer software and applications, and which has produced some of the world’s richest billionaires, according to Forbes magazine. Bill gates is perhaps one of the most notable business pioneers in the modern world, considering that fact that he started the company from scratch, and steered it towards its current status as one of the world’s biggest corporations as far as sales, profitability and fortunes are concerned. Bill Gates stated his business career as a young person, aged 13. However, his business mind did not show up until he was able to develop the first practical computer software while in high school. Bill gates built his software company in 1970s, and made it one of the most successful business organizations in the world. He started the company as a small business, but with the realization that the industry was still evolving, Bill gates decided to take full force of software development (Geisst 2009). He even went on to sacrifice his education at Harvard University as a student lawyer to become the leading software developer in the world. His real genius in technology and business was his acumen in business. He realized the need to utilize his programming talent in business and make use of the available opportunity because the computer industry was lagging and underdeveloped. Together with Paul Allen, the innovator turned his talent from just a practice in his university room to a rea l company with billions of dollars in just ten years (Geisst 2009). Today, the company employs a large number of persons either directly or indirectly. Of importance, though, is the fact that the largest number of computers in the modern world run under Microsoft owned operating system office and internet browsers (Geisst 2009).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Slavery And Servitude World History - 2069 Words
Marialaina Carter Dr. Sinegal-Decuir Slavery and Servitude World History March 15, 2015 The One In Front of the Gun According to the Webster dictionary, a warrior is â€Å"a person who fights in battles and is known for having courage and skills.†Skill is attained through the repetitious performance of a particular act that can be further developed by means of an apprenticeship or cognitive reading. When the word warrior is merged with child, many humanitarian and educational boundaries are crossed because an adolescent’s mental and physical capacity, by no means, are suitable for the acquisition of the intense psychological and physical skills required for armed defense. A weapon has the power of severing a human to the point of his†¦show more content†¦As a result of the extreme upbringing within the realm of combat, child soldiers tend to â€Å"fall within the messy, ambiguous, paradoxical zones of all three: [extreme victims, extreme perpetrators, and extreme heroes]†(Denov 2). A child is an extreme victim because one day he or she may be sharing a meal with his or her family and the next day becomes branded by the emblem of guerrilla warfare. He or she is a perpetrator because, once the child is handed the gun and learns how to use it, the power rests in his or her hands. And, finally, the child is a hero fighting for a cause that is mostly likely incomprehensible to his or her developing intellect and is ready to die for the sake of its duration and influence. All three of these positions can be wrapped into a sphere of extremity because there is always one goal emphasized through a glorified, tunnel vision: to kill or be killed. Most concisely, a child soldier can be defined as a slave because he or she, upon initiation, has offered to the recruiter an oath of obedience and, unknowingly and without will, the opportunity for the recruiter to manipulate his or her mind under a system of pure, unyielding weaponry. As a form of modern slavery, the forced rec ruitment of child soldiers is congruent with the notion that slaves are considered property. An armed child is only a free pawn in the war for the rise of some political message. ForShow MoreRelatedSlavery Vs. Indentured Servitude1038 Words  | 5 Pages Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude Sandra McIntire HIS110 April 27, 2015 Jelena Popov Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude Slavery. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, it is the condition in which one human being was owned by another. A slave was considered by law as property, and was deprived of the rights held by free people. Slavery was viewed as a way that undeveloped people, such as Black African men and women, could receive the physical and moral discipline and training necessary to attainRead MoreEssay on Tobacco/Cotton Slavery FRQ1677 Words  | 7 PagesSouth. What forces transformed the institution of slavery the early seventeenth century to the nineteenth century? 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Anthony Johnson escalated in society from being a slave1 to becoming a wealthy landowner with slaves of his own.2 The successes of this man both economically and socially provide a rather important window into the lives and opinions of the peoples in VirginiaRead MoreSlavery During The American Colonies Essay1537 Words  | 7 PagesSlavery in the American colonies had greatly shaped the nation as we know it to be today. After the discovery of the New World, Spanish conquerors intended to enslave Native Americans, but punishment, overwork, and diseases such as small pox and malaria decreased their population rapidly. The only solution was to kidnap African Americans from their homeland and transport them on ships under poor, unsanitary conditions, many of which died of yellow f ever, dysentery, or suicide. Upon arrival, they
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Server Virtualization and the Benefits
Question: Describe about the concept of Server Virtualization and the benefits of the same. Answer: Server Virtualization It is the concept that includes the masking of server resources. The number and identity of all these resources are included for all the individual physical servers, operating systems and processors. The information is collected from the server users and the server administrator makes use of this information and a software application in order to cascade one physical server layer in a number of different isolated multiple environments (SearchServerVirtualization, 2016). Save Energy, Go Green Relocating physical servers over to virtual machines and combining them onto far less physical servers implies bringing down month to month power and cooling costs in the server farm. Qualcomm is an organization that implemented the concept of server virtualization. The default policy of the company is to provide the internal groups with a virtual machine in place of a physical server. The use of the same brought energy saving to the organization and result in cost saving of $19,000 per month through power savings. There are a number of key benefits of server virtualization under this as: It provides the power to re-size and organize the IT infrastructure with the help of dynamic load balancing. With the help of Distributed Resource Scheduler, it is possible to keep a track of the resources that are allocated and also helps in monitoring the capacity as well. The services are consolidated on lesser servers without compromising on the availability of the services and scenarios such as downtime and disruption. Distributed power management also helps in better energy efficiency for personal computers and desktops. Better financial savings and improved ROIs are also an added benefit of bringing server virtualization in practice (vmware, 2016). Improved Disaster Recovery With conventional tape frameworks, it is not unprecedented for recuperation to be in the zone of one to two days to totally reestablish a framework. Despite the fact that, a ton of that relies on upon how extensive the framework is and the amount of information is being reestablished. With server virtualization, it's conceivable to diminish the measure of time expected to finish full reclamation to four hours or less. Among the reasons that make this conceivable is the way that it is not by any stretch of the imagination important to reconstruct servers, applications or notwithstanding working frameworks independently in light of the fact that they exist somewhere else and can be brought back on the web. In any case, it's essential to ensure that those frameworks are routinely observed to ensure that they're set up and stayed up with the latest. It's additionally an exceptionally helpful approach to perform fiasco recuperation testing since you can run a test on the virtual picture of the framework without influencing your creation framework. So there are some truly convincing purposes behind utilizing virtualization (SearchDisasterRecovery, 2016). The benefit is also realized with Dell computers by providing advantages such as (, 2016): Break the equipment reliance. Virtualization allowed Dell to change physical servers into virtual machines, which diminished reliance on numerous physical assets. There's no requirement for balanced equipment duplication on the grounds that the hypervisor handles all correspondence between the virtual machines and the asset pool equipment. In that capacity, the physical setup underway can be unique in relation to at the recuperation site. Build server versatility. Virtual servers are a great deal more versatile than physical ones since they basically turn into an arrangement of documents that Dell adapted to duplicate to tape, DVD, and so forth and reestablish like whatever other record. In case of a debacle, records could be stacked onto any server running a good hypervisor. Starting there, with the suitable system changes, the secured frameworks could be up and running inside hours, rather than days or weeks. Almost kill arranged down time. Arranged down time, including equipment upkeep, programming redesigns, and so forth, commonly constitutes 80 to 90 percent of all down time. Virtualization permitted Dell to fundamentally diminish or kill this downtime. Virtual situations could be progressively and quickly moved to various physical servers inside an asset pool without interfering with the business. Test quickly and keep it current. Virtualization allowed Dell to take previews of their generation surroundings and store them on a capacity range system or other gadget/media. DR arrangement testing were then possible on these depictions, which wiped out the arduous form, introduced and reestablished handle ordinarily required for conventional DR testing. This decreased a few parts of the testing procedure, including its intricacy, the quantity of specific staff required, affinity for human blunder, and cost. Be prepared for calamity. Contingent upon how the earth is architected; Virtualization gives a chance to empower their recuperation destinations inside minutes or hours of a calamity, instead of days or weeks (, 2016). Increased Up-time One useful element of virtualized servers not accessible in physical server situations is live movement. With live movement, virtual servers can be moved to another physical server for assignments, for example, performing support on the physical servers without closing them down. In this way there is no effect on the end client. Another extraordinary point of preference of virtualization innovation is that its embodiment and equipment autonomy highlights upgrade accessibility and business coherence (, 2016). Server virtualization has been utilized and implemented by many different organizations and it helps in achieving the followed benefits related to increased up-time: Virtualization gives an extra layer of adaptability to rapidly react to the difficulties such as attacks, threats and risks. Basic business frameworks are independent inside their virtualized surroundings, so it can without much of a stretch imitate them to different physical areas or relocate them to new equipment whenever. This gives an enhanced unwavering quality by disposing of disappointment focuses. It likewise improves the debacle recuperation arranging endeavors. There is also an increase in the efficiency and productivity of the workers as they get more time to spend on the application which results in much better outcome as a result. Conclusion Server virtualization is concept or a process that allows the use and application of virtual machines instead of physical servers. Many organizations have adapted and are continually adapting this concept as there are several benefits that are associated with it. It results in saving the power and helps largely in the eco-balancing through increased energy efficiencies and lesser power consumption. Also, the two major benefits that result out of it are increased up-time and improved disaster recovery. The downtime is hugely reduced and it is easier to manage the huge data. The recovery of the data is made easy with the help of this technique in application. References (2016). How server virtualization benefits disaster recovery. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2016]. (2016). Features and advantages : Server Virtualization and Consolidation Solutions : Solutions Services | NEC | NEC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2016]. SearchDisasterRecovery. (2016). How server virtualization benefits disaster recovery. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2016]. SearchServerVirtualization. (2016). What is server virtualization? - Definition from [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2016]. (2016). Virtualization: Virtualization in and Beyond the Cloud | TechNet Magazine. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2016]. (2016). Virtualization Can Bulletproof Disaster Recovery Plans | Data Management | TechNewsWorld. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2016]. vmware, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2016].
Thursday, April 16, 2020
My Box and Valentine Essay Example
My Box and Valentine Paper My Box by Gillian Clarke is a poem about a box a lover produces himself for his lover. The box symbolises the couples relationship and memories as in my box are twelve black books, where I have written down how we have sanded, oiled and planed The box symbolises the memories and the joyous day they shared together. Although the lover has made the box, it has been created by emotions, feeling and love. The box becomes the romantic image within the poem. In this box are stored memories of the couples relationship. At the end of each stanza, the poet refers to a golden tree. This golden tree plays a significant part in the poem, as it reflects the solidness of their relationship. The tree represents the building and growing up of a beautiful relationship having the branches representing the ups and downs of their time together. Valentine on the other hand, has a far stranger meaning of love than My Box. We will write a custom essay sample on My Box and Valentine specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My Box and Valentine specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My Box and Valentine specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The title tells you that the poem is a valentine a gift of love but straight away the poem makes it clear that it is not an ordinary type of valentine not a red rose or a satin heart, rejecting conventional presents, as she gives an onion. It seems rather strange that someone would give their lover such a worthless gift. However, when we realise what the onion symbolises, we understand that it actually is the perfect gift. The poet uses an extended metaphor. She writes about her relationship as if it was an onion. For example It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It promises light This reminds us of the papery, brown skin of an onion, and the moist, shimmery moonlight glow of an onion when it is freshly peeled. Love is often associated with moonlit night, so this is a romantic statement. The onion is wrapped in brown paper, suggesting that her love is pure and simple; therefore the onion can say all she wants to say to her lover. It is interesting that where other poets might talk about their feelings for a lover using symbols, this poet uses a symbol to talk about her love. A brown paper wrapping has to be removed. So does the onion skin. When the different layers of the onion are revealed they are like the careful undressing of love, that is, the discoveries that love brings. In My Box, however, a similar picture is drawn, as the golden tree takes time to grow, it has to be nurtured, fed and looked after just like the relationship. Carol Ann Duffy makes you more aware of the poem by using an unusual image- it makes you curious therefore it persuades you to carry on reading. The poem shows how normal valentine gifts do not necessarily have to show you love someone. That is why she uses an onion to prove her point. She argues that an onion is a good symbol of the relationship she has with her partner. My box is more rural referring to harvested apples, gold crests and rare red kites, where as Valentine uses simple words and language. Both poems portray a picture of how the present symbolises love- both in a positive and romantic attitude. My box is made of golden oak, is the first line to My Box she tells us how her box is made of oak which is solid wood, suggesting the stability and strength of her own relationship. Valentine explains how an onion is a moon wrapped in brown paper and how it promises light, like the careful undressing of love. The poet creates a sexual yet delicate image in these lines sexual by the word undressing, yet delicate created by the word in front of it careful. In the first stanza of My Box, the poet stresses how beautifully the box has been made how the lover fitted hinges and a lock of brass and a bright key. She explains how he made it out of winter nights, sanded, oiled and planed, this box making it seem as though it took a long time to make it, and creates the box to be very precious to the woman. In the second stanza, she discusses some of the things they have achieved throughout long years of their relationship. She has written this all down in her twelve black books and keeps this in the box. In the last stanza, the woman wants her lover and/or people after her to come and read all of this- I leave it there for you to read or them when we are dead, e.g. good relationships, golden trees are slowly made in other words they dont come easily but have to be nurtured and worked out. Both poems explain how love is everlasting the golden tree represents the purity and value of love and the onion represents how you have to peel each layer of your lover to reveal a layer of them. The poet adds a note of caution too much commitment could kill off their relationship- Lethal. The vocabulary used in My Box is connected to nature- nature representing their love and feelings, where as Valentine uses words describing the onion, or words that are connected with love to the onion. The language and vocabulary is very simple perhaps to suggest that she wants a simple, uncomplicated love. She makes statements I give you an onion it will blind you with tears. They make the poet sound definite and authoritive. Carol Ann Duffy gives you the message that an onion is more than a soppy card or a cute teddy. My Box on the other hand is more conventional and explains how in my box are twelve black books- how we have sanded, oiled and planed the relationship. Gillian Clarke places her words in threes sanded, oiled and planed seen jays and gold crests, rare red kites harvested apples and words and days. The repeated structure of and emphasises what is going on. It is important to notice the spaces between the stanzas in Valentine. For example it is interesting that I am trying to be truthful is a statement on its own, (to emphasis how vital truth is in a relationship) but is followed by not a cute card or a kissogram. The second pause allows us to reflect that cute cards and kissograms (more usual valentine gifts) dont really reflect true love. In My Box, the beats in a line are regular- 8,6,8,6 etc, as are the lines. This suggests that she wanted her poem to be solid like her golden tree. Carol Ann Duffy uses a lot of I/you structure in Valentine. The I is the speaker and the you is the recipient of the onion. This allows Carol Ann Duffy to construct something like a one-sided dialogue. In My Box, Gillian Clarke also uses I, but she also uses we- referring to the couple, not just an individual. If we think of the metaphors for Valentines Day; the roses, satin hearts, and cute cards, it is clear to us by now that Carol Ann Duffs intention is to eliminate the pretty image of Valentines Day to make people realise that love is serious. Take it. Line 18 tells us that you have not taken the onion yet. The second offer of the onion takes us to the final stanza, where more metaphors are found. Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring. The poet used platinum taking a deliberately unromantic view. The speaker goes for the plainer look metal, but one of worth. The ring inspired by the onion is offered with if you like. The person to whom the whole onion is given to is offered the choice. There is no promise of hearts and roses. Lethal. Usually this word is linked with danger and deadly, yet it is used in the poem. The speaker cautions the recipient- that too much commitment could lead to the breaking off of their relationship. Most of the poem sounds as if the lines are natural and spontaneous, being written as the words came to her because there is no rhyme in the poem. However, some of the sounds are carefully arranged. Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips. The s sounds may suggest a couple kissing. I give you an onion is repeated it reinforces that it not a joke, that she is giving this person an onion and really means it. The poem does not have a regular beat or form as My Box. The lines and stanzas are of irregular length. This could be to give a sense of urgency, or that because traditional poems are often written very regular and may even rhyme, her decision not to confirm to this stereotype is further proof that her love goes beyond the ordinary, and so is that much more special. The tone of the poem is sad and negative, warning her lover not to get too close, yet realistic, but encouraging and warm. My Box has a warm and encouraging tone to it it is gentle and tender.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Knowledge VS Ignorance essays
Knowledge VS Ignorance essays Take a look at your bag, take a look at your table, take a look around you, theres one item you can find almost anywhere in the world now-BOOK. Students learn knowledge from books, Professors search projects from books, teachers teach base on books. A book can not only reflect the authors idea, but most likely represent certain category of phenomena in the society. Each book is a teacher, knowledge comes from the book, book has been proved necessary for the society. But can you ever believe people someday will act hostile to the books, they destroy them, burn them, theres a special institution named Firehouse, a government agency used only for burning books and the place where books are found. Well if dont believe it, I can tell that it is exactly what happened in the novel Fahrenheit 451. You may wonder how can people live normally without books and knowledge, well obviously they figured out a way to substitute them -Ignorance, a strategy that wiped all the books and knowledge source to make people One of the reasons why people considering ignorance as a major choice is that people feel dangerous about the books. In the novel, Captain Beattys opinion is a very strong evidence Colored people dont like LITTLE BLACK SAMBO, burn it. White people dont feel good about UNCLE TOMs CABIN, Burn it. Someones written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the books! As a perception of his idea, books are always hurting people. This utterance is very unilateral, it only described the negative part of the ideas people making comments on books. Firstly, certain category of books may offend certain group of people, but they may well- accepted by another group. A book is distasted by a certain group doesnt mean its a bad book, in fact, all ...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
L-Dopa As A Treatment for Catatonia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
L-Dopa As A Treatment for Catatonia - Essay Example The condition is characterized by alterations in motor function similar as that of those manifested in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) without â€Å"pill-rolling,†muscle rigidity, catatonia, loss of balance, shuffling gait, and oculogyric crisis (Dourmashkin, 1997, p. 515). Focusing on catatonia, it is a neuromuscular condition characterized by alterations in muscle tone or activity, linked to various mental and physical illnesses (â€Å"Catatonia,†n.d.). In encephalitis lethargica, individuals suffer from catatonic stupor, distinguished by the individual’s greatly reduced motor activity. L-DOPA is a medication known to treat Parkinson’s Disease (PD), characterized by decreased levels of dopamine in the brain resulting to altered motor functions. Dopamine is responsible for several body functions, particularly movement when in the brain. Since dopamine itself cannot cross the blood-brain barrier but rather binds to receptors, L-DOPA is given to PD patients, because the latter has the capacity to enter the blood-brain barrier and then be converted into dopamine, thus an increase of the chemical. With the increase of dopamine in the body, there is increased ability to perform smooth and controlled movements. Because of the great morbidity and mortality caused by the disease, Oliver Sacks conducted an experiment in 1969 among those who did not die of the illness. These patients were chronically confined in a hospital, almost completely motionless and drooling with saliva. Sacks administered L-DOPA in gradual increasing doses over a number of days, and in typical cases the first few days had very minimal changes (Roberts, 1995, p. 311). After a few more days, the patients previously â€Å"frozen†and â€Å"mute†for decades suddenly â€Å"awaken.†They surprisingly â€Å"awoke from their silent, frozen world and for a short few months made contact with the real world about themâ€
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) - Essay Example Several researches have been conducted to find out the success rate of LSVT in treating dysarthria. An article by Brad H Story et al analyzes the effect of LSVT on the vowel articulation of dysarthric patients. The research by Story et al clearly shows that dysarthric patients suffer from articulation of vowels in their daily lives. People suffering from Parkinsons Disease are most probable to go through from such a situation. Parkinsons Disease and its effects are emphasized upon in the research article. It has been seen that LSVT produces marked improvement in patients suffering from voice and speech problems due to the onset of Parkinsons Disease. Story et al tells that patients suffering from dysarthria because of Parkinsons show improvement on the long term when treated with LSVT because there is no external cueing in the therapy. Vocal loudness is a primary factor which helps these patients to improve upon their tone as put by Story. The research article by Story et al took pat ients suffering from Parkinsons disease who had problems in their speech and voice and gave them a therapy of LSVT to find out its effect on the vowel articulation. ... Both Michael et al and Story et al in their articles have put forward the effects of vocal loudness as used in LSVT on the patients who are suffering from Parkinsons. Michael et al in his article has emphasized on the patients suffering from hypokinetic dysarthria whereas Story et al in his article has emphasized upon the patients suffering from Parkinsons Disease specifically. The study carried out by Michael et al was only done on a single patient and requires research on other patients to confirm its results whereas the study carried out by Story et al was conducted on a large population to find out the effect of LSVT on the patients. Thus it can be said that Story et al has build up a strong base to prove its results whereas Michael et al in his article has given a platform for future research on hypokinetic dysarthric patients. Similarly the article by Story et al had also taken controls of patients suffering from Parkinson’s Disease to find out the exact results of LSVT whereas the research by Michael et al only took one individual in the whole research without having any controls. Another research carried out by Wenke et al has showed the effectiveness of LSVT when it comes to the treatment of dysarthric patients following TBI or stroke. A total of 10 individuals were taken into the research to find out the effect of LSVT. LSVT was performed according to its normal procedure and then a team was designated to find out the effect of LSVT on the patients. The long term effects of LSVT on the patients were positive enough to last for six months as found out by the team. This research article again proved to be a platform for further research to find out the effectiveness of LSVT. Similarly another
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Women’s Resource Center Essay Example for Free
Women’s Resource Center Essay Communication plays an important role in many areas of all fields of employment. I have recently come back to school to earn my MBA. Prior to entering school again I worked in the social work field as a support person, working for an organization called Women’s Resource Center through the United Way. While working for Women’s Resource Center I attended various trainings. Some of the trainings were effective and offered a lot of information which could be used on a regular basis in my position, while others offered little useful information. Effective communication is one of the most important roles for a presenter to have when offering trainings, trainings that I have attended have had both good and poor communication and therefore the outcome of the trainings is greatly affected by the presenter’s ability to communicate. One of the most effective trainings that I attended while working for the Women’s Resource Center was a training called â€Å"Suicide Prevention and Assessment. †The training was very successful in my opinion as it offered information and the practical used of this information in the field. This training used a variety of resources and ways to communicate the needs of the clients and the ways that suicide could be affectively prevented. The training also offered various communication strategies and principals. The trainers were able to present clinical documentation in a way that all could understand and they also were able to relate the clinical studies to real life situations that we as employees could be facing on a regular basis. This training included a wide range of communication strategies when effectively communicating the needs of the information. I learned through an oral presentation, video, power point presentation, and handouts. I was able to follow along both visually and audibly which helped as I could see and hear what was being said. Also the trainers talked on a real world level relating issues and terminology to situations that present themselves to the staff on a regular basis. Through this training I learned some great resources for affective communication. I also learned the importance of effective communication in trainings first hand as the information seemed so much more personal and needed then it would have had the communication occurred in another way. If I were to lead this training I would not change a thing. It was by far the most effective work training that I have ever attended and I was able to learn more during this training and I feel that the main reason for my ability to learn was that the presenters utilized such effective communication practices. I was fortunate to be a part of such a great suicide prevention training however I have also had training experiences where the communication was poor and I was unable to gain information that was valuable from them. One training that I attended where the communication skills were lacking was training on the skill of Motivational Interviewing. This training was presented in a clinical manner. It was presented in a lecture style, without any visualizations and without apparent relevance to the population with which I was working. This training offered some great information but the information was lost to the students as it came across in a manner that was not interesting or practical for the environment for which it was to be applied. I felt that this training used such poor overall communication skills that it was ineffective based on communication alone. There were many things that could have been done differently to make this training more effective and for this training to have better overall communication skills. The training would have first been improved by offering various styles of communication, some lecture, some visual, some hand outs and things that could be used later. The training also would have been more effective if it were applied to the situations that are faced on a daily basis by the staff. I felt that I would have learned a lot more if I had been told ways that this training would help and if I had been given real world examples to the ability of these trainings. This training taught me firsthand that useful information can be lost if not communicated in an affective manner and the importance of being effective in my communication when leading or planning trainings on any topic. I would change the format first, then the communication style and possibly the trainer’s ability to communicate the information affectively to those who are working in the field. I would have worked to develop training that was effective for those who were supposed to use it. Effective communication is important in all areas of business. One area where business can be drastically affected by communication is training. There are always going to be trainings that are needed in any field of employment however the effectiveness of this training can be improved and the staff can learn more if effective communication takes place. I learned through training in my past position that communication plays a much more important role in the possibility of teaching new information than I would have formerly thought. I would not have imagined that the communication of the presenter could determine how much of the information was absorbed and how much of the training information was determined to be useful if I had not previously taken these two trainings and experienced first hand the difference in communication and how it affects those whom you are training.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Complex Character of Iago of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othell
The Complex Character of Iago of Othello    Iago can be clearly characterized as the villain in Shakespeare’s Othello. The notion of the "honest" Iago does at times appear not to be a misnomer. In this essay I shall attempt to explore the complexities contained within the character of Iago.  One of the most interesting questions that crops up is the one concerning Iago’s motives. What are his reasons to kill every major Venetian in Cyprus? Shakespeare seemingly sets the stage for Iago’s actions, giving him two distinct reasons to avenge Othello. The first is the fact that Othello promotes Cassio, an "arithmetician" to the rank of lieutenant and passes over Iago who is but a sergeant. Secondly, Iago is suspicious of his wife, Emilia and thinks she is sleeping with every other man but himâ€â€including Othello. There are other reasons that Iago talks about in his soliloquiesâ€â€the primary one being jealousy or "the green-eyed monster." Iago resents the love that Othello and Desdemona share and also takes offence at the fact that Othello is older, yet he has a young and beautiful wife, power, and respect, all that Iago desires. However, all these reasons seem to be false and made-up just for the sake of being excuses for his malice or perhaps they seem to sum up a sense of paranoia. Furthermore he uses these reasons to convince Roderigo to hate Othello. The real motive seems but a slip on Iago’s part w... ... Works Cited and Consulted Bradley, A. C.. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York: Penguin, 1991. Di Yanni, Robert. â€Å"Character Revealed Through Dialogue.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Literature. N. p.: Random House, 1986. Mack, Maynard. Everybody’s Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993. Shakespeare. Othello. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Ed. Rossi. New York: Longman, 1999. 312-379. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos. Â
Monday, January 13, 2020
Animal Should Not Be Kept in Zoo
In Luke 7, when John the Baptist sends his disciples to find out if Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus tells them, â€Å"Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind see again, the lame walk, those suffering from virulent skin-diseases are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the good news is proclaimed to the poor. †So, who are the poor? The poor are those who are in need of the help of God; those who are open to the plan of God in their lives; those who are simple hearted; the humble.When Elizabeth hears the ‘good news’ (Lk 1:19) that was announced to Zachariah, she acknowledges that the Lord has removed her humiliation of being barren (Cf. Lk 1:25). When Mary sings her magnificat in the presence of Elizabeth, she would say, â€Å"The Lord has looked upon the humiliation of his servant†(Lk 1:48). In short, being poor simply means being open to God. It is to those who rely, depend on God that the Good News is proclaimed. A nd it is to us that the Good News is proclaimed.If we consider the Good News as a message, then, it is liberty to captives – the experience of freedom from all that binds us including sin; it is healing to the sick. It is the promise of the favorable year (kairos), the time of Grace. So Good News is not a set of information. It is an experience! Again, the Good News is a community and personal experience with Jesus. It is the possibility to experience God in the person of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the Good News. This is what actually amazed the hearts of those listeners in the synagogue, as Jesus said: â€Å"Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing†(Lk 4:21).In other words Jesus was saying, â€Å"The times that Isaiah prophesied are here. It is possible to experience the Good News in my person! †Therefore, today Jesus is bringing hope, joy and favor to us. On the table of his altar we will have the greatest opportunity of being able to experience Jesus i n person. He is the living word that has power to change and transform lives, and bring freedom and healing to those who receive him as their Lord and Savior. Open your heart. Do not be afraid. Let him to make you free from any oppression, spiritual emptiness or lack of happiness. The gospel of salvation is â€Å"good news†for us today.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Young Adults in Long Distance Relationships - 929 Words
Summer romance, crazy flings, and first loves; these are all common occurrences during those high school years. High school relationships are essentially the beginning of a teenager’s dating career; dating helps young adults develop their emotions and temperament while being with a significant other. In a way dating prepares students for the real world that they will soon have to endure. For teens in high school, the most complicated relationships are long distance ones. Long distance relationships are a difficult task to handle, with each individual willing to take a chance at ‘tough love’. Though it is good for teenagers to be able to experience relationships in different circumstances, long distance relationships are believed to be†¦show more content†¦It is of a common occurrence that many teenagers meet their partner during their high school years and go into a long distance relationship after having graduated high school and moved on to college. â⠂¬Å"Between 25–40% of all romantic relationships among students attending colleges across the United States are long distance.†(Amestein, Sheery) Nonetheless due to the fact that a great percentage of teenage relationships fail, adults tend to dismiss their children’s romanticism as perhaps just â€Å"play†, and not all that serious.Teen love is looked down upon and isnt considered by some to be real love because teens are too young and supposedly dont know better (Leek, McKenzie) In conclusion, though the relationship itself is not truly a problem the lack of certain characteristics in a young adult are. In the rare occasion that a teenager is actually fully developed and mature to handle a long distance relationship, it won’t be taken seriously by many people, especially by their parents who will most likely disapprove. The bitter end to this story is that it depends an awful lot on the pair’s characteristics and emotional strength, trust, communication, etcetera. Many teen agers are not emotionally prepared to handle a long distance relationship and those who are, are dismissed by adults who believe that they are not mature enough. Works CitedShow MoreRelatedCan Long Distance Relationship Work?1055 Words  | 5 PagesA long distance relationship can have many meanings and experiences may be very different from one person to another. For some people, living a long distance from a loved one may be a normal routine in life, while for some people the occasional distance can be difficult and challenging. 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